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Old 01-28-2005, 03:51 PM   #8
Since you brought it up . . .

. . . isn't there some business model or consultant that Rich can use to help him with this? Why should you ask us? I think you are just asking for trouble.

I certainly don't mind paying for the BOI and I support Rich, but I think he has to decide what HE wants this site to be - and hire someone to help him figure out a way to increase revenue streams. Getting ideas from herp people seems a little pointless - esp. if you're shelling out as much dough as Rich is.

I don't know about you - but I don't get my teeth cleaned by my podiatrist and I don't go to a church led by my electrician. They may know about something about Feet and Jesus - but I want a trained person to help and guide me.

Rich - use the money raised to write a business plan and figure out how to increase the revenue streams. Then tell US what you are going to do.

We'll be here for you. It's worth it.