FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Vote***financing Fauna***vote
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Old 01-28-2005, 04:14 PM   #17
Some thoughts

I did vote I would not return if there was a membership. I've taken a few minutes to sit back and think. Without a doubt I would pay the membership fee. I believe this site would loose alot of people if this were to happen but the scams and such would stop (more so IMO). Then again I think you should make a free 30day period or something to that effect to get newbs into the site. they would have full access (maybe only a week for the classifieds or none at all). The BOI Is great but at the same time to me it's like politics which I dislike greatly. Some immuture people fighting over stupid things. Although it does have alot of good points. Some information I find to be non-sence. I've been going to some of them same herp shops for years. One deal goes bad (regardless of fault) and a person trys to slaughter someones business. Which in all honesty may effect a few but not near as many as one would think. I do find people in this industry to be cut throat. Someone says or does something wrong and it's all over the place. Why not try and solve things and as a last resort use fauna? I mean give people the chance to come clean and so on before you act. So many people want to jump the gun. I know people that completely ignore everything and anything they find on fauna. I do believe it's a great place and contribution to the herp world. Sorry to get a little off course but I thought I would tie it in.