FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Vote***financing Fauna***vote
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Old 01-28-2005, 09:42 PM   #36
craig kade
I feel this site is very important, however I think the "casual" user would not pay even 10 bucks to join to check on somebody. Yes I know it is money well spent, but newbies may not know that at first. If someone gets ripped off I don't want them to have to pay to get on the BOI and talk about it. I also don't want to make people pay to view my ads or post positives about me. In my humble opinion the advertisers(including classified users) should kick in some money. I know I personally will try to buy from people with contributor buttons next to their names. I understand their are expenses to running this site, but it seems lately there has been a big push on raising money. Did costs just go up considerably?? I also voted to raise fines, I think at least dbl would be fair, I know we all lose our tempers(I have points myself), but the habitual offenders deserve to pay for their privileges. JMHO. Craig