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Old 01-30-2005, 08:07 PM   #106
Originally Posted by reptilebreeder
And as a poor person and a hobbyist, if $10 means the difference between feeding yourself or your snakes then a person in my opinion is being quite irresponsible by owning snakes. They need to sell their snakes (hopefully they don't get burned, cause they didn't pay the $10 to research the BOI) until such time as they can afford to feed them and take care of any unexpected costs ie. Vet bills, light/heat bulb burn out (these can cost much more than $10), etc.
Interesting perspective that I hadn't really considered.

If you can't afford $10, then what the heck do you need to post on the BOI for anyway? You certainly can't be looking to buy animals from someone, now can you? Or should you? Perhaps you need to sell some animals, and the $10 fee is too high for you there as well? Well, I don't know what to tell you about that, but I think you need to make a major change in your lifestyle. Perhaps this $10 fee should be considered as your wakeup call.

Those are the people most likely to fall victims to a bad guy. Why? Because those are the people most likely to fall for the "deal too good to be true". They will get $$ in their eyes thinking they will buy that "steal" then turn it around immediately for a colossal profit. Most scammers use greed as the primary bait in their scams.