FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - DWARF Leopard Geckos???
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Old 02-03-2005, 11:36 PM   #43
Hey Marcia, I was driving down this dirt road way up in the woods the other day and I met this lumber jack walking out with his chainsaw. Well after a few minutes of small talk, he suddenly told me that he has been looking for a leopard gecko that looked like his bulldog "Guiedo" , he also liked them with short fat tails like his dogs tail. I told him that I had not seen any like that, at which he explained that they were "cutting edge" Geckos and all his lumber jack & Biker friends had them! Well after a bit we said our goodbyes and headed off. As I looked in the mirror I noticed him climbing into his old truck and on the bumper was a sticker that said "Muntant ninja geckos rule"! Can you believe that? Sounds like your way behind the times girl! Just think of all those missed sales you are experiancing!....the moral of the story is "If you seek out the mutant you will never be out of wood"

Ok what were we talking about?