FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Connie (Mrs. WebSlave)
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Old 08-10-2022, 08:31 PM   #104
Connie's blood work seemed to be OK this week. Low on some things and high on others. The only thing the oncologist was concerned about was the platelet count (I think). If the chemo had been scheduled for today, I believe they would have postponed it for a week. So I guess we'll see how the blood work looks next week. Dr. Ellison said that she really can't recommend anything to help with that count, as it is something that only time seems to be able to help. Time not being exposed to chemo drugs, I assume.

Connie seems to be in pretty good spirits with only some minor issue that effects her being able to sit comfortably. I don't think she would want me going into any more detail than that.

I am glad she is not suffering some of the possible side effects that she could be going through. No nausea, so she has a pretty good appetite. She read of people getting sores in their mouths and throat so bad that they could not eat, so that potential did have us worried. Every now and again Connie's voice will get a little hoarse, but nothing worse than that. And I think if she had lost her appetite, and not eating like she is, she would lose weight rapidly. She has to eat a lot just to keep her weight up to 105 lbs or so. And she is trying to walk around as much as she can for exercise.

Hoping they do another test soon for that tumor marker they monitor and we see the number dropping even more. Must be a reason why they don't do the test more often, I guess.