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Old 08-21-2022, 06:42 PM   #9
Well, my arms are telling me that they are definitely not used to labor. Ouchie!! I should have gone out and did a bit more today, but had some errands to run, then it started raining in the afternoon. So I just took a nap.

Been reading an interesting book by Immanuel Velikovsky called Earth In Upheaval, but even that isn't enough to keep me awake. I read Worlds In Collision earlier. I think I may have all his books and plan to read through them all, even though I have read some of them a long while back. Fascinating topic matter, but I guess my brain has gotten soggy with age and I just have trouble staying awake no matter what I am reading. Most of his books have been reprinted rather recently, and since some of mine are paperback, I bought the hardbacked versions, as the print is just easier to read.

Damn... WTH? I have a bruise on the thumb of my left hand. Only thing I can think of that caused that was I had to press a bullet into the magazine of my "squirrel popper" Savage A17 rifle the other day. Damn I bruise easily from that blood thinner crap. And I have to take it for a year. Heck, my right arm has a bruise on it just where I had the rifle laying when I carried it. I don't like this bruising so easily even one little bit. Honestly, when I had the second stent put in, I was pretty nervous about my veins and arteries being weakened by the drug I was taking. Would have just ruined my day if my heart artery had ruptured installing that stent because it had been weakened.

The cardiologist says my veins aren't weakened by the blood thinner, but damn, isn't ruptured veins really what produces bruises? Now this has got me thinking that maybe working hard at all while on blood thinners might not be a real hot idea. Oh yeah, I am taking a small dose of aspirin every day too. From what I understand, I am supposed to take one a day for likely the rest of my life. Something like 81 or 85 mg.

Up to just recently, getting old didn't seem so bad to me.