FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Connie (Mrs. WebSlave)
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Old 08-23-2022, 12:19 AM   #117
Connie is still having trouble talking. I have enough trouble understanding her as it is, so this is pretty tough. I really hate having to ask her to repeat nearly everything she says. She is trying to not say much to let the throat heal. No phone conversations for her. I told her to just text me as much as possible. There have been cases of that drug causing permanent loss of speech, I guess due to damage to the vocal chords. That would be REALLY upsetting to Connie if that happens to her.

She is REALLY concerned about her having reactions to every drug the oncologist has given her. Including the shots after the chemo treatments to try to beef up her white blood cell count. She is worried that there might not be ANY chemo chemical to kill the cancer cells that she can take without some substantially damaging side effects associated with them.

She has been walking around a lot more lately, and then elevating her legs when she lays down because of the blood clot in her leg. I would like to know if it is in the same spot that earlier one showed up after he surgery. The second time she had an ultrasound, they couldn't find the clot, so we all assumed it was just gone. But if it has been there all along, being "superficial" now, does that mean it has become reduced in size? And is there a danger of it becoming dislodged and migrating to some place where it could cause some real damage?

I just can't think to long and hard about such things or my mind starts to crumple a little bit. I really would like to jump ship from this universe and land in one where neither Connie or I had these health issues knock us down.