FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Connie (Mrs. WebSlave)
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Old 09-16-2022, 11:41 AM   #130
Yesterday Connie had appointments with her thyroid doctor and her cardiologist. The blood work done for her thyroid looks pretty good, which was a surprise, as we were both expecting the chemo treatments to have thrown that in a tailspin.

The meeting with the cardiologist was in reference to her getting that Doxil chemo treatment. Dr. Dellock said that the results of the echocardiogram showed that Connie's heart is in excellent condition. So that is a relief. I am guessing that maybe Connie will restart her chemo treatments next week.

With Connie acting and looking like she feels almost normal now, it is very easy to deny in my mind what is going on inside of her. I am really hoping that this pause in the treatments doesn't turn out to have been a real bad idea. She has been feeling really tired lately, and that does concern me.