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Old 09-24-2022, 03:31 PM   #123
Not real crazy about this blood thinner I am taking. I bruise REAL easily now. And it doesn't feel like just a superficial skin bruise. Feels like my muscles are getting bruised. I was working on the generator the other day, and removing the spark plugs I had my left arm pressed up against the frame to get a bit more leverage. Well, damn. Got a swollen purple area on the inside of my forearm now that is tender to the touch. I am passed the 4 week period where my cardiologist said I could resume normal activities, but I am scared the death I will do yard work and come out of it looking like I have purple polka dots all over me. There are always things bumping and smacking against me when doing yard work. That deep bruise I had on my upper left leg took forever to go away. Actually still feels a bit tender to the touch.

I already contacted my cardiologist about it, but he seems to think it's normal. I don't agree. I feel MUCH more fragile concerning my vascular system now. So screw it. I am cutting those 10mg pills in half and only taking a half dose each day now. Perhaps it is the fact that in the past, every time I saw someone with these purple red patches on their arms and legs, seems they died not long afterwards. So I am just not going to go that route. My body, my choice. I have an appointment with the cardiologist in February, and I will tell him then my choice. Actually I wasn't all that keen when they gave me 4 or 5 of these blood thinner pills right after my second stent was put in, and I was pissing blood afterwards. Now THAT can't be normal...