FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Potential down time coming
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Old 02-13-2023, 12:37 PM   #6
Actually, backups kind of scare me. It is the kind of thing that you never know whether you have a good backup until you REALLY need it. And by then, if the backup is not good, it is too late to do anything about it. Testing a backup for a server would mean leasing another server for that purpose. I probably should do it, but likely I never will.

The backup file for FaunaClassifieds creates a 254gb compressed file. I create one of these roughly every month. Then nightly I backup all MySQL databases. I store copies on my desktop PC and also copy them to a NAS here.

But are they GOOD backups? Beats me. I won't know until I am forced into a do or die situation. The backup either works or it is the end of the road for my internet sites.

I am pretty sure my programmer has a copy of all my vBulletin sites, but he lives in Turkey and I haven't heard anything from him since that big earthquake over there. Hopefully he is OK, but apparently a lot of people over there didn't fare very well.

Just seems like a lot of BAD things happening lately, of which, a server failure doesn't really rate very high on the list of things to lose sleep over. I am just riding the surf board as long as the wave holds me up, I suppose.