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Old 02-17-2005, 07:36 AM   #123
Thumbs up Just my thoughts..

I agree that paying some way will help in many ways. I know as I am going to college for Web Design that it is a lot of work building a site.
I also wish that there was a way that when you pay there will be some way to TRULY identify your age, and identity.
I don't post a lot, but I sure as heck read a lot. I have learned so much from certain folks on this site. It is a big help in many ways, but I also see trouble in a lot of ways. And it is the folks who start trouble that make it hard on everyone else.
I am getting ready to start a rescue in S. GA and it just aggrivates the heck out of me to see people come on forums and say that they are older when you can tell a lot by how they speak, that they don't seem mature at all. When people post that they have adoptions available, everyone flocks around that site and God only knows who is really getting that adoption.
If I am venting too much, or p*ss anyone off I am sorry. You are doing a great job in implementing a price list for this site. It helps to maintain and it sorta helps to keep people out that are "fake".
If you don't like what I said just glance over to the next thread please, I am not trying to upset anyone here, just giving my opinions.

*P.S. I also want to say that this site saved my one King yesterday from dying, I lost the female but was able to hang on to the male (barely), but I got him to the vet and he is doing great, I get to bring him home today. Thanks!

Take care,