FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Well, I guess I have caught redneckitis....
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Old 07-25-2023, 08:33 PM   #7
Not sure about my mom approving. She really wasn't the country girl type. I would expect her to say "Richard, what in the world do you need a tractor for?"

My friend Rickey is picking me up tomorrow and going to a tractor dealership about an hour and a half away. That is the closest one that sells the brand I have been looking at lately. Tractor dealerships are few and far between around here. I would have thought there were a lot more farmers around here than there are, apparently.

But I will say that a number of things have convinced me that I should seriously consider getting a tractor with a cab on it with air conditioning. One that I was looking real hard at does come with a cab, but heat only, NO ac. That would be just about useless around here. So scratched that off the list. Unless I just can't find one with a cab and AC that I can afford and have to get an open air style. Which would be great fun during yellow fly season.