FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Salmonella from Turtles VS Salmonella from Cantaloupe
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Old 12-08-2023, 09:13 PM   #6
Martin Nowak
Good comments and thoughts from all.
Today's reports indicate primarily pre-cut cantaloupe; but the CDC has now added whole cantaloupe.

The notion of acceptable and unacceptable risks (social mores and societal culture) is interesting. For example, society accepts virtually unlimited dog ownership. And dogs kill "30-50 people every year".

Cows kill about 20 people per year.

My overall concern is that the academic papers tend to govern regulation and promulgation of laws. There is little discussion or logic applied as we have in this thread. An example would be in Alabama, the Alabama Hospital Association was interviewed by the Game and Fish Commission with the baited question (paraphrased): "does the hospital association approve of citizens owning venomous reptiles?" The predictable response was "no, the costs of care and anti-venom are too great and many snake bite victims don't have health care insurance". So then in Alabama we are prohibited from owning non-native venomous reptiles including Gila's / Beaded's. Yet nationally, very few reptile keepers of hot animals are bitten and non have died in the last decade or so. Two years ago a LEO in Alabama was rammed by his cow and needed an intestine transplant costing nearly $2million and requiring lifetime expensive anti-rejection drugs. Fortunately the man survived and is doing well. This information public and easily found online.
Dogs kill several people each year in Alabama. Bees kill several people in Alabama each year. However, no comparisons will be made and no logic applied. Cats infect many humans every year with pathogens and parasites.