FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Brian Barczyk
Thread: Brian Barczyk
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Old 12-22-2023, 04:38 AM   #5
Blood clots are apparently not unusual when chemo drugs are involved. What makes them immediately dangerous is when they migrate to the lungs or the brain.

Connie had one in one of her legs after she had her initial surgery, but it was small and not considered as life threatening, so she was put on a blood thinner (Eliquis) to deal with it. She stayed on that blood thinner for the entire time while on chemo.

Must be some serious blood clots in Brian to have them surgically removed.

I really feel for the guy and everyone around him. As someone told me when Connie was first diagnosed, "Get ready for both of you to go through Hell." Man, he wasn't joking.........

Just today I took down the quite long "garland" that Connie had made from all of her medical ID bands she had accumulated while fighting her cancer. And that didn't even include the ones she got at her first cancer treatment center. I didn't know what to do with it, so I just wrapped it around the container with her cremains in it.