FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Only the Reptile Section
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Old 02-21-2005, 12:26 PM   #4
Originally Posted by Inside Out
As I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to do. I have noticed that only the reptile side of things has be locked to paid subscribers only.

This may not be the place for this but I know the rest of the forum eats up time and webspace and bandwith.

So why only charge the reptile section?
None of the other sections really ever cause me any workload. They are not all that heavily traveled, so they certainly do not eat up bandwidth enough to make a difference. I have yet to hear a single solitary person complain about the credibility of anyone posting in those sections. So for now, they are not on my radar map at all.

But I do expect some people will start posting inappropriate threads there since they can for free rather then the main BOI. That will get them warning points AND their thread deleted. I already had someone do that in the Canadian BOI.