FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - On construction and destruction
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Old 02-22-2005, 06:04 AM   #6
Thank y'all; this particular poll was written as I reflected on the responses I saw as Webslave built the new membership program.
I saw countless hours of effort put in towards this goal, and as he was explaining his steps and reasoning to the members, there were radically different responses by them to this new information.
It was more than just agreement or disagreement about the technical aspects, there were profound differences to the way people approached this change: some tried to pitch in and help alongside the best they could by pledging support; but some tried to destroy what was being built without offering alternatives, or giving reasons as to why they would destroy the dreams and goals of someone who is one of the hardest working people I know.
After pondering these ideas for a while, I observed that this sort of difference in response has nothing to do with this site and what people think of it, it reflects the basic way some of us approach life: some are builders, and some are destroyers.
Thus, the poll.

Whether or not people can switch their approach from one class to another is the subject of current pondering, I have asked that in another thread 'Can people change'. I do not know the answer to this question. I do see people change from time to time; whether they had it in them, or whether the motivation was exterior, is a huge philosophical exploration.

And finally, whether by reason I could in some cases effectuate that change; that is one of the current goals in my life, to be able to transform the negative into the positive, by my words.