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Old 02-26-2005, 04:56 PM   #260
Golden Gate Geckos

Apparently, you have not read all of my posts on this thread's 'evolved' subject. You will not see anywhere that I stated that I do not believe in evolution! There is no way that the Universe could have been created in seven 24-hour days. I said that since God has always been, and always will be, time has no meaning! If something is infinite, it has no beginning or end, and therefore time and space cannot be measured. I said that I do not believe that we evolved from apes, but so far I am not satisfied with what we have been able to come up with scientifically to prove or disprove our link. I have said that the Bible was written by people that had a limited understanding of science, and is incomplete. I do not believe that the universe was created by accident because it is too mathematically perfect to have happend by random chance. If the universe was 'created' by a couple of sub-atomic particles colliding, then how were those particles created?

I believe in the "Big Bang" theory... I just believe that God did the 'banging!!!'

I am a Creationsist that happens to also believe in Evolution.