FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Genetic Snow X SHTCTB
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Old 03-20-2005, 12:49 AM   #127
Ok, again to clarify this. You said in the e-mail you thought the snow came sick from alex. Then it has only been 2 weeks since you found all this out????. If that is a true genetic snow, then that one that is on meds would have bred a female. right?

I don't see how you can call it quarantined, when you introduce a male to another female within the first month of aquisition. Since you would have to have done just that to have a genetic snow already.....

second , its a big investment , it takes alot to be able to do that . you kind of have to get your mind set to be able to do something like that and it just doesnt go away .

i put forth emotion , interest , dedication , and well alot of money ,

i was very into it and ready , only to have someone slap me in the face .
I'm sure alot of us here know the investments they have in their collections and setups.

The only slaps in the face i see, is the way you react when you can't get what you want.

For someone to brag about how much they invested into their projects, you seem to go about things the wrong way. You manage to slowly peave off a large percentage of the people who would possibly have bought and traded with you.

With the breeding biz, you may have competetors, but they are also potential customers. When you are dealing with high end animals, this is especially true.

I feel like alex was trying to make a right choice with not selling to you. You always seem to hold a grudge with any big breeder. You also just said
"i make $30 an hour at work my friend ".... "if i had to pay three times as much and sell at 20% i would have because it is something i have developed a passion for ."
Which also coincides with other comments of cutting the "bigger guys" out of the biz talk of yours..