FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - 2.2.1 Frilled dragon group, corns, more! F/S/T!
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Old 03-20-2005, 12:52 PM   #1
Shai Gurl
2.2.1 Frilled dragon group, corns, more! F/S/T!

Howdy! Howdy! Howdy! I DID IT! I'm going to be getting hold of my top want snake far as shooting for a specific trade goes! So NOW I'm doing the "I need mo' money" thingy!

2.2.1 Frilled dragons (2.1 are adults, 0.1 sub adult, 0.0.1 juvie) - These frillies are 3 years or less in age and are NOT burnt out breeders! ...... For the right deal I AM willing to throw in 2 260g reptariums (1 has a small hole in the bottom, and the other needs a few new elbow/joints), the soft trays I have, a 60g (I think its 60g) reptarium with it's soft tray, cork bark, fake ficus tree, and an assortment of plastic greenery... Again, this is for major big cool deals - See the "major big deal stuff" section for details, or write me! .... PRICE TAG: 0.0.1 is $190 shipped... 0.1 Juvie is $200 shipped... 0.1 Adult is $350 shipped... 2.0 adults are $250 shipped each... The entire group together I'll do for $1250 shipped for the lizards ONLY (basically to cover shipping on the larger box I'd need to use for the frills alone).
******Reptariums will NOT be sold before the lizards go! I will NOT sell the caging the animals are living in BEFORE the animals themselves (unless it all goes together, and that will take a good bit more, email if you want to work something out for them).

Other stuff:
Corn snakes, all 04s and mostly unrelated to each other, GREAT EATERS... None of them have refused or regurged a single meal! Heres the quick list o' corns:
0.1 OPAL
0.1 Lavender
0.1 motley snow
0.1 snow het motley
1.0 amel het motley snow (gigantor! this thing is 2x the size of the others!)
******* NOTE******** I want to move the entire group together, not "just the lavender and opal" alone, sorry... You want the girls, you are going to have to buy the entire group of high quality snakes. Price? $320 shipped!

0.1 '04 Salmontine, very nice looking snake, great feeder, clean but has some Argentine 'speckling' (really brings out the contrast!). She is VERY close to being kept all to myself! If I don't get a decent offer on her SOON I will more then likely keep her, after all... Shes one heck of a salmontine. $650 shipped cash. ($750 trade)

Not too shabby? I'm looking for both REASONABLE trade offers! I'm sorry, but I can NOT and will NOT go wholesale on these guys! Far as whole price lets see... It all basically adds up to what, $2220? So how about I make it an even $2200 for this package deal (THIS deal is different then my others - THIS one is without the 1.1 Surinams which I am very close to keeping all to myself). Trade value for everything is $3000.

What am I looking for in TRADES? Heres a quick list of my top priorities:

~Albino boas, Kahl strain, females, albino het something would be nice.
~Striped boas - I'm not talking just a few interconnected tail spots, I'm talking STRIPES... And of course, stripe het something would be jim-dandy and peachy keen!
~Albino argentine BCI cross, FEMALE
~Ball pythons, het somethings, no normal males or baby females
~Racks (adult ball python to medium/large sized boa racks, working with heat already installed) - BIG WISH LIST ITEM
~Sphynx kittens, intact with full breeder rights (NO burnt out breeders)
~ ? Or ? Have an offer you think I may like? Let me know! Oh... And please see the "No-No trade list" below first.

No-no trades, I'm sorry but I just can't take the following:
~Large monitors
~Retics, Burms, Rocks
~normal male BPs
~your ex boyfriend (TOO MESSY)
~Leopard geckos
~Other corns
~injured/sick animals (yes, I've been offered these before... IF you want them rehabilitated I am willing to foot the vet bills on my end if you pay shipping; your just not getting a trade for my animals for it, sorry).

~THIS OPTION WILL SAVE YOU MONEY!!!!!!! Don't have what I want on hand but want this sort of a deal? I can point out a number of adds/animals/things I would like and we can work things from there. (EG: I point out adds with albino boas I'd like, you buy them and send them to me and I drive or ship out the animals we'd agreed upon to you).... For example, theres a fellow selling an albino boa I reallly want for $849 shipped, and one selling another albino that I want for $1000 shipped, and a particular rack for $170 shipped I believe it was... So thats $2068., which is a full $132 less then asking price and well below 'trade value.' If your interested in this option please let me know.

Thanks for your time, if you have ANY questions, comments, good jokes, please drop a line!
-Sara Eyre, CVT
