FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Genetic Snow X SHTCTB
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Old 03-20-2005, 03:54 PM   #174
Originally Posted by TopShelfExotics
He has $1200 to spend on an animal yet refuses to offer proper care?

He flat out lied about everything regarding his husbandry. His idea of quarantine is a matter of HOURS or seperating new animals in groups according to who produced them. I apologize profusely and cannot find any other way of saying this, he is simply braindead. I would not purchase from this individual even if he was the last remaining breeder on this earth.
I can agree with that chris. To top it off he brags about his $30 an hour job too.

He's so much in the rush of trying to produce first (Probably to cut others out, at that) He's thrown the books of ethics and husbandry out the window, to "persue his dream"..... If his dream was to compeletly destroy a biz, before it even had started. Congrats to him, mission accomplished.