FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Genetic Snow X SHTCTB
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Old 03-20-2005, 05:26 PM   #180
Golden Gate Geckos
yeah, right...

Well i'm going to assume that jane doe is a vet, based upon her knowledge of amoebas. I Could be wrong about that.
Well, Im going to ASSume that Jane Doe is a TROLL, and nothing else. Someone with those credentials would not be unwilling to provide thier full name, not to mention all the spelling a grammatical errors in the posts. Anonymous posters have absolutely no credibility in my eyes. Anyone with a copy of "Understanding Reptile Parasites" by Roger Klingenberg, DVM can read and quote information on parasitic infections. (Except Dan Poe... right, Dan?)

The fact of the matter is not just anyone's knowledge of parasites... it is the clear and blatant disrespect and disregard for this special gecko morph and those that have worked so hard to develop it, and the shameful lack of honesty, ethics, and integrity that is mandatory in this reptile community. I have a very difficult time trying to conceive that someone is more concerned about producing potentially valuable offspring than the health and lives of the animals themselves... theirs or anyone elses.

Chris and Alex, you have my complete support. Thank you for digging below the surface to help enlighten the rest of us.