FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Lee Watson Swap Bust
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Old 09-19-2002, 08:28 PM   #43
Gilbert Thompson
Hello again,
       I will say a few more things and leave the cop issue alone.  Lee is a really good guy and deserves our support.  He doesn't deserve to get side tracked like this.  
 I appologize for the anger in a few previous post.  I am just a firm believer in good and hold on to what I believe in.  As far as a dirty cop.  I have spent alot of hours to take the jobs of dirty cops.  Nothing pisses me of more than a dirty cop.  I know they are out there because I have been a thorn in a few sides.  To answer a few questions.  If I were there and saw another cop violate anothers civil rights or break the law.  It is a fact, that I would arrest them on the spot at whatever force was deemed proper.  I would do this after the situation was under control.  If these things have really happened to some of you.  I think you should take it to a Federal level and I don't mind helping as much as I can.  
I think education, being in a good physical condition and proper raising from childhood are the keys to a good cop.
 I also think our job is to Protect and Serve.  I do this and have great pride in it.  I have been involved in things I still have nightmares about to this day and still will until the day I die.  A few know what I am refering too.  
I don't do this job to be a overwhelming power freak that gets off by pushing other people around.  However I know the types.  I do this job to do my best to make a difference.  I am the same man with the badge as I am without it.  I think it is very important not to forget where a man comes from.  I hope this makes sense.
Lee, I promise not to get on anymore speeches and stick to the issues at hand.  I just had to finish saying what lied beneath.
Gilbert Thompson