FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Federal Income Tax
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Old 04-12-2005, 04:03 AM   #2
I would propose a REAL flat tax. Not one of the fake ones with a flat percentage but a FLAT $$ charge per person. Run the government like a business should. Figure out your budget for the year, then figure out your projected revenue (via the census, they should know approximately how many people are living in the USA) Divide the budget by the number of USA citizens and you come up with a figure per person needed to run the government for the year. Send each person a bill for that figure. If you want to be a USA citizen for that year, you pay the bill. If you don't, well use the money instead to pay for passage to the country of your choice.

It's not fair because you won't use all of the facilities that someone else does? How would that be any different then it is now? You say the rich should pay more then the poor? Why? What are they getting for spending more money to run the government? Why should the tax system be a disincentive for people to earn more by working harder?

Just the money and effort alone that would be saved on what it takes to figure out your taxes and try to determine which deductions you can take and how you can sidestep paying some via an obscure loophole would be some REAL money the GNP could use for other things. No muss, no fuss, you get a bill on January 1 and you have till April 15th to pay it. All the IRS would have to do is to figure out who didn't pay their bill on April 15th and go after them. You pay your bill, and you are off their radar screen.

There is NO cheating on taxes, you either paid or you didn't. There are no bogus tax writeoffs, that's the bill you owe with no discounts or exceptions. No keeping complicated records and getting tax forms that require other forms for every line item on the original tax form. You get the bill, write the check, and you are done with it for another year.

Yeah, the devil will be in the details, but can it possibly be any worse then it is now?