FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - anyone here ever have experience w/ PETA?
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Old 04-17-2005, 01:06 PM   #1
anyone here ever have experience w/ PETA?

I just had the worst harassing of my life. I was at PetCo (yeah, I know.) yesterday buying some branches for my boa to climb on. I come outside w/ a my boa around my neck, and all I wanted was to get in my car.. BUT THESE GUYS DONT LET ME! They kept asking me for a moment, and I was in a hurry to put his new branch in his aquarium. They kept stopping me, and blocking my way. So I stop, and listen to what they wanted to say. They gave me this whole lecture about how all pet stores treat their animals so bad, and how they shouldn't be kept in captivity, and how animals do so poorly in captivity, etc. etc. etc. I was honest. "I really don't care, I'm happy w/ my boa, and I highly doubt he'd be better off in the wild than in my terrarium." They started yelling, how animals are supposed to be free, and this and that, that I didn't bother listening to.

My friend gave me a video "Penn & Teller's Bull****." was the name, I guess it was a series on ShowTime, that showed what PETA was all about... GEEEZ! also talked to the reptile specialist at PetCo, and he said they've had so many arrests at the store because of PETA. and incedences like someone slapping PETA stickers on all the cars in front of the store, and when people tried to take the sticker off, the paint went with it.

I always thought PETA was a do good organization when it comes to animals. WTF IS THIS ABOUT?!?!? After yesterday, I just GRRRR!