FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - anyone here ever have experience w/ PETA?
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Old 04-18-2005, 09:17 AM   #9
Originally Posted by Cat_72
I think that's one of the biggest problems......people who blindly support PETA because they hear they "protect the rights of animals" without taking any time to learn what they are truly about. It's amazing the turnaround some people will make when they hear PETA believes the lives of COCKROACHES are more valuable than human lives.

I had one of those loons chew me out on a message board one time because I was talking about finally finding a spray to kill those dang orange ladybug things (asian bettles, I think is the proper name) we've been infested with the last few years. She said I was a murderer because I didn't capture them and set them free outside.
I agree there are tons of people i find out there that say they support peta, but yet do not know the evils and true intentions of this group and its fellow local terrorist orginizations like the elf and the alf.

Like anyone who is vegan, normally is a peta person, but dont know about peta's stance on even dogs and cats.

Whats worse is that peta is coming out with comic books and other crap to preach to the younger kids about thier "way of life"