FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - THEFT AT TAMPA SHOW!!!!
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Old 09-30-2002, 10:22 PM   #8
Mike and Erica @ MotherGecko
Randie and everyone sorry to hear about the losses.  I was told at the show about the Spider Tort incident but hadn't heard about all of the other thefts.  We did lose a Dumerils Boa and a California Kingsnake at the show to some lowlifes.  Unfourtunatly scumbags will always walk the Earth with hard working people and try to take advantage of it.  We purchased a couple nice display cases to keep some of our animals a bit more secure from these loser types.  I would like to thank Doug Barr for the nice displays, they look great!  I would also like to say I think the show was a great success and Tony and Staff did an excellent job.  There was a great turn out and we had a really fun time aside dealing with the lowlife theives.  We may not be able to catch all the thieves, but the ones we do need to pay for all of their actions and then some, as well as be made examples of and activlely be ostersized from the Reptile World entirely.