FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Kentucky ban
Thread: Kentucky ban
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Old 06-19-2005, 02:16 AM   #2
Seems almost every single day some law banning and regulating herps is passed or introduced, somewhere. It just makes me so angry. Especially ones that ban (or regulate so heavily as to effectively ban) herps, for no logical reason. Many times it's a bunch of morons with an irrational fear of snakes. People who are probably so ignorant that they still think snakes are "slimy". Around here we had yet another child killed by some pit bulls, it is pretty much to the point that such occurrences are common, yet except for a few rumblings, every once in a while about banning dogs like that nothing happens. People are getting attacked and killed by dogs (irresponsible dog owners to be exact), yet lets ban hognose snakes.