FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Why I hate the press.
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Old 06-29-2005, 09:37 AM   #5
I hope you take her up on her suggestion to write a letter to the editor. It sounds like she may have been nothing more than a go between although if that was the case she should have pointed it out to you that she wasn't actually writing the article.

In out local paper last week they showed a picture of a man kissing his cockatoo. Not simply on the top of the beak but the bird has his beak open and it looked more like a french kiss to me. In the caption they say how he loves his bird and he goes practically everywhere with him. They will print pictures like this and the next day they will run an article on the dangers of owning exotic pets conveniently forgetting to mention that it is the pet owners stupidity that causes most of the problems. It is to the point where I would trust a used car salesman and even most lawyers over any member of the press. My apologies to the used car salesmen and the lawyers in the group.
