FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - NERD supports Voids and plays with them
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Old 07-09-2005, 02:29 PM   #80
Am I really the only one who recognizes Kevin from other pics as among the freehandlers? And since it was a NERD event, I assume that NERD staff was on hand to take out the animals and showcase them. Either that's the case, or they just put the animals out and let the crowd take them out and handle them. I know in the dozens of presentations I've given, even if I let someone from the general population handle a african fat tailed gecko, I watch that animal like a hawk and know what is going on with it at all times. Larger boids or anything prone to biting is under control by myself or someone I trust at all times. Its simply amazing to me that someone in this hobby would let someone they don't know freehandle a venomoid or a hot. Now either these people in the pictures are strangers, or they're not.

If a NERD representative would like to clarify as to whether everyone within striking distance of those voids were qualified hot handlers, that is they all had or were on their way to 1000 hours of apprenticeship working with hots, I for one would appreciate it.