FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - dself40 - Dusty Self - Very Good Guy
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Old 08-10-2005, 09:41 PM   #1
dself40 - Dusty Self - Very Good Guy

We just completed a transaction with Dusty that went really well. This post might be a little different, since Dusty was the buyer and we were the sellers, but I think the way in which it happened shows alot about Dusty's character.

We did a transaction for several ball pythons. Because we've "known" Dusty online for some time, and met him on a couple of occasions, we shipped the animals first to make sure he was happy with them. After they arrived, he sent us a PayPal for the full amount plus shipping.

For some technical reason, PayPal put a hold on the transfer the next day and took it out of our account. We sent Dusty an email asking if he knew what the problem was, and he called us immediately. It seems there was some glitch in an address or something, and PayPal had asked him to re-verify information. During that time, they put the hold on our transfer. Dusty had been in contact with them and had been assured that the account was fully functional and all would be cleared up.

Dusty knows that we're taking a long-awaited vacation soon, and he was concerned that this wouldn't be straightened out before we left. When he checked on the account yesterday and saw the transaction was still on "hold", he decided to get on the phone with PayPal to try to straighten it out. We didn't expect, or even request, that he bother doing this. We figured it would take 3-4 days to get it handled, and were content to wait.

To sum it up, he spent nearly 2 hours on the phone with PayPal trying to make sure they SENT us money. If this is the kind of effort he extends to SEND money to people, I can only imagine that his follow through when someone buys from him is twice as thorough.

With all that's been going on with bad/shady/fraudulent deals, I thought it was relevant to let everyone know that some situations that have the potential to go horribly wrong are not even a blip on the radar screen when ethical people are involved.

Dusty, thanks for all your efforts, and know that we'll buy from you (and sure as hell sell to you!) any time!