FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What do you use for housing your reptiles & why?
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Old 08-22-2005, 02:17 PM   #36
DIY melamine racks with Sterlite tubs. Just built a new rack that holds 33 sweater boxes and move most of my larger corns into it. My first DIY is being retired, total POS. My other one held 2 tubs per shelf unlike the new one, hence why I made the new one to save some space and it's only 4' tall not 6' like the new one. It's ok though since the old one holds 4 smaller Sterlites per shelf so it'll be used for yearlings. The 4' rack is a little short to properly fill out the space so I put a 40BR glass on top and will be putting my juvie Burm in it as soon as I get it cleaned out from it's last inhabitants. I'll try to post pics later, just took pics of the new rack last night when I was done constructing it. Only cost me about $130 for materials and it holds 33 snakes, not bad. Of course this price is without heat, thermostats or tubs. Tubs are costing me about $5.50 each.