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Old 09-11-2005, 09:48 AM   #44
Originally Posted by Jim O
For what it's worth, I'd rather have a homosexual man look after my children than a smoker. Second hand smoke has been shown to be a real risk factor for diseases. And those children get exposure to those chemicals even if one does not smoke in their presence. They are still in one's breath and on one's clothing and person.
Now that is funny. Sorry Jim, but I find that statement so incredibly laughable. You just keep being the good blind sheep there Jim. Second hand smoke is the least of our worries compared to all of the other toxins pumped into our air and water. You just keep your undivided attention right where the Goverment wants you to, instead of where the real problems are.

And please dont start going on about a bunch of tests and studies. We all know where the funding for all of these so called tests and studies come from..... The Gov. And the results are going to say exactly what The Gov wants them to say. Truth be damned.

Oh and by the way, nice to see you again my friend. Its been a while.