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Old 10-20-2005, 08:09 PM   #85
Originally Posted by PaulSage
Holy Monkeys!
That turtle makes you look like one of the Oompa Loompas! How much did that thing weigh?
I know it wasn't a good hair day (too short, for one thing), but it isn't THAT bad!! And I tend toward pale, NOT ORANGE!
As for the turtle, he was great...weighed in at 94lbs when I sold him. He was very impressive, but I think I liked my big NY snapper better in some ways - it was close to 30 lbs and much more "personable". He definitely reacted differently to me than anybody else. I could even hand feed him. Nothing like touching a f/t rat pup or mouse to the water, and seeing that head coming up...the mouth opening...and then gently closing on the prey item and submerging again.