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Old 10-23-2005, 08:54 PM   #46
Pot is BAD

I always hear the pot is better than alchohol argument everytime
And how its natures drug

Well Alcohol has an age limit and i wouldnt like my children to use that either
And Heroine,Cocaine,Opium And Morphine comes from a plant,So why not use that also?
The truth is Pot is a ladder drug and in many instances leeds to other more ADDICTIVE drugs
Why are you trying to Recruit people to do drugs on a reptile forum?
If you smoke Pot keep it to yourself and quit trying to subject others to your way of thinking
Also i think you should have started this thread in a forum with an AGE limit
As there are most probably impressionable children that will read this and might be dumb enough to beleive that its a good Drug