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Old 10-23-2005, 09:08 PM   #48
Karen Hulvey
Originally Posted by thomaslingren
Most people will call pot heads losers because they havent achieved (bought) as much as them. You are not what you own!
You are kidding, right? I'm not talking about owning huge mansions or a Mercedes, etc.

When I call my pothead relatives LOSERS that is just what they are. They live off of charity, welfare. They are too stoned and lazy to get up off their stoned rear ends to get a job. One of them trades her body for the stuff and dto pay her rent. Some of them have vehicles...I have seen vehicles in a junk yard that look better than what they have. Another thing, these LOSER potheads don't have driver's licences. All revoked. They also drive without insurance on their vehicles. etc., etc. Their kids play at rolling a joint. It's really cute, yeah. They have now lost those kids because of neglect. Pot is the way to go.

I don't live in a mansion and drive a Lexus either. I'm not well-to-do either. But I know a loser when I see one.