FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Who is not scared to openly admit this?
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Old 10-24-2005, 01:33 AM   #67
It bothers me how people are associating poverty and neglect of self and family with stoners. There is a huge epidemic in our society, that I would be willing to bet is at the root of these senarios you are associating pot with, its called meth. All these free loaders on welfare," selling thier bodies for the stuff ", and so on have serious self worth issues and probably serious addictions.
I agree with Serpwidgets that "not producing anthing, living off the hard work of others does make one a loser". You must stop and realize that the birds of the air do not worry about food nor shelter, are we not much greater creations than these?
Not that we are not to work, I work very hard to support my wife and child also, but we cant let greed consume us. That is what I am trying to get at.

Breeding Chams and Smoking Grams
Tommy Lingren