FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Shipping Hell :(
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Old 12-12-2005, 11:08 PM   #3

UPS will ship live harmless lizards, it is legal and they do it all the time. They will not ship snakes yet.
What I did was get a UPS account online, it's really easy and simple. Once you have your account you can enter in all the shipping info, all you need is a ruler and a scale (or be able to guestimate weights)

You can print out the shipping lable and just tape it to your box. Now, either have UPS pick it up or drop it off at a shipping location. I ship from the local UPS store, they know me there and I have no problems. I printed out that link I gave you and taped it to the first box I shipped just incase they needed to see it.
The key is dont ask to do it, just tell them you will do it. Be assertive!

They will not insure a live critter, all shipping is at your own risk.

You also have to write the common and scientific name of the animals on the box, and the number of animals, but it doesnt have to be really obvious. Honestly, I write fragile on the box, and list the names of the animals in small letters and just drop them off.

Fed Ex will ship snakes if you get the right manager, I have yet to be able to find one.

USPS will ship lizards but I would never ship them that way, it is VERY illegal to ship snakes thru USPS.

I ship bearded dragons and leopard geckos UPS all summer long!

Hope that helps!