FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Live Arrival Guarentees
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Old 12-15-2005, 09:54 PM   #1
Live Arrival Guarentees

I have a problem with an invertebrate that I shipped yesterday and arrived today. The person says that it is stressed out and not moving very much and thinks it is going to die. Temperatures were in the teens where I shipped it though it was in an insulated box with a heat pack. I have sent out several other shipments this week with frogs that had no problems. This person is already demanding a full refund if the spider dies. On my website, my terms state that live arrival is not guarenteed when temps are below 35 and there is no guarentee other than live arrival. I am even willing to issue a partial refund if the spider dies, but he is demanding a full refund even though it has not even been a day yet and he has not given the spider time to recover from the stress of shipping. He never asked what my terms were before buying the spider and I never promised live arrival. I think he is trying to get a free spider personally due to his attitude. I just think it is odd since she was in perfect health and I have never had any other problems with shipped animals. I know stuff happens, maybe the shipper handled the box roughly. I dropped the box off at 4:30 PM Wednesday and it arrived at 9:00 AM Thursday so it was not in transit long.

Am I wrong in requesting that a body be shipped back to me at his expense if the spider doesn't make it and do I owe him a full refund even though the temperatures were low? I am hoping that the spider is fine and it will not become an issue. I would sooner issue a refund and preserve my good reputation but something doesn't seem right to me.