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Old 12-20-2005, 02:46 PM   #1
Reticulated With Care

On Monday Dec 12 I picked up a Reticulated python in a raffle. This little guy was so dehydrated and emaciated that he was what looked like beyond saving. Since I took him home I kept full records of what I noticed along with feed, deification, and soaking records.

He was so bad off that he would not even stick out his tongue, or move. I took him home and swabbed his mouth, he was so dehydrated that his lips were stuck together. As soon as I applied water and separated his lips he instantly started licking the air. I soaked him for 40 minutes that night and 20 minutes everyday since. I put him on heat as soon as I could. I tried feeding him every night for 3 days, he would not eat or even smell the mouse so to make sure he was okay I used a pinkie pump with a mixture of vitamins and meat. I used a product called Carnivore Yummies. This was very unorthodox but he was so bad off that he needed something quick.

He has been nothing but a sweet heart, we are really hoping he keeps this personality, he is a great snake. I took pictures along the way. I am so pleased with the results that I want to share them with you.

Monday Dec 12 2005-The night I received him, notice how dry and wrinkled his skin is

Tuesday Dec 13 2005-After being soaked two times now he has already made an incredible improvement.

Wednesday Dec 16 2005-I used the pinkie pump the night before to get some food in him. Notice the difference since day 1!!

Monday Dec 19 2005-you can see how he has taken well to the food and the soaking, he is not skinny.

Tuesday Dec 20 2005-He ate last night a medium size mouse!!! AND defecated a huge healthy turd!! You can see he bulge from the mouse.

I am so happy with his results that I upgraded his home to a bigger one. As time goes on I will continue with pictures and updates on him. We have are fingers crossed that he will continue to increase in health and size.

Thanks for looking