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Old 01-08-2006, 05:40 AM   #1
Garage sales and a New Adventure!


Garage sales: some people love them, some don't. I do, I find interesting stuff and get to meet nice people, so when it is a nice morning and I see a garage sale sign, sometimes I'll stop and check it out.

Today, I found a sewing machine. I do not know the least thing about sewing, took it back in Junior High and that was quite a few decades ago, and din't do well then.
But here lately I have been wanting to re-do some of the things around the house and I am on a budget, so this sounded like a good adventure. Plus my teen needs pants hemmed and stuff like that, so it seems like sewing might be a useful skill to have.
It is a cute little Kenmore, got it for $20, do not know if that is a good buy(knowing nothing at all about sewing machines) but I was willing to spend $20 on a new adventure, and I am going to look online to see if I can find a site that will tell me how to use it, I can't wait!
Any of y'all ever find interesting treasure at a garage or yard sale?