FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - need help understanding
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Old 01-12-2006, 10:44 PM   #2
Unfortunately, not having seen your snake, it is hard to really give an educated response...everything will have to be based on the info you have given (which at this point, lacks some details). I guess the first place to start is the new substrate - is this something other than the normal peat moss found in garden supply centers? By your statement, she was only on this for about 4 days before you noted the "belly rot". What did you use before that? Were there any other signs/symtoms of problems? oral or nasal discharge? wet sounding breathing? was there any redness of the belly scales prior to changing substrate? Any unusual odors? How bad/extensive was the "belly rot" when you noticed it, and how long before/after her shed was it? Had she been eating steadily? If not, when was the last time she ate. How were you heating her enclosure, and what were the "hot" and ambient temps? I'm sorry for all the questions, but the info is needed to try to understand what was going on. Unfortunately, whitelipped pythons can be somewhat difficult captives...especially fresh imports. The belly symptoms you mentioned could be due to a response to an irritant, a burn, excessive moisture, or unclean conditions (or a combination of the above). Sometimes, mulches, mosses, and other humidity holding substrates are difficult to keep clean because it is easy to miss the mess.