FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Leopard Gecko Registry; Unneeded Bureaucracy?
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Old 01-24-2006, 12:48 PM   #49
like i said. its a good idea for someone like me in the future. but ive only got 3 geckos. and i only know the origins of two of them. i cant really understand the point in me eregistering, paying, and participating with 3 lizards. kelli, marcia, dan l, and all of those folks are the targeted audience id presume.
You don't have to know the orgins of the three you have. If you were to register your three, you would be starting a new "line" in the family tree! Any hatchling you produced from those three would then be registered as well, and so on and so forth. You would have an established line that others can research. If you register your current geckos now and acquire any new geckos before January 2007 and wish to register them, it's free! I think the really neat thing about this, eventually you're going to be able to see online how all the geckos are connected.

Since all of my leos are from someone other than the original breeders they will be listed as adult breeders as a new line or breeder. That would be easier than tracing them all abck to the original seller.

Then their offspring will be registered for $5 each and when I sell these babies I need to do a transfer to the buyer. Ok so I breed male #245 to female #567 then get a baby, I then send you 2 photos of the baby to get its registration # with $5 then if and when sold do a transfer to the buyer.
This is the fun part of explaining how the LGR works with hatchlings...and it's a bit difficult for me to explain so please tell me if you don't understand. Their is another form available for online submission...A Pre-Registration Form which is used for breeders to register the hatchlings they are planning to sell. It is simply an additional way to verify a hatchling came from a particular breeder. Two sets of stickers would be supplied to the Breeder per pre-registration to place on the deli cup of the sold geckos and onto the Specimen Registration form for the new owner to submit to the LGR (with the necassary registration fees). The cost to the breeder is $0.50 a head. So to pre-register 100 hatchlings, it would be $50 rather then doing a full specimen registration at $500.

We are thinking of a way to give registration "credits" to breeders (much like the ACR did) who use the pre-registration option and have buyers who actually register their geckos. Something along the lines of for every pre-registration that results in a successful specimen registration you get one "credit," after you get 5 "credits the breeder receives a free registration for themselves.