FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Have You Been Cheated On?
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Old 02-03-2006, 12:29 PM   #6
Originally Posted by ladyserpent7
i agree with you 100%...besides...the bible says that the ONLY reason that is okay to get divorce is because of the act of adultery committed by the partner...and if its in the bible.....then its important and should be taken VERY seriously
Hebrews 13:4..and i quote "Let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge fornicators and adulterers."
Actually, I would have to disagree with that analysis. After many years of studying at Lincoln Christian College and Seminary, studying both Greek and Hebrew, I do not view adultery, as used in the Bible, in the conventional sense of the word. Too often, people assume that adultery means having sex outside of the marriage. I, personally speaking, believe that adultery is more commonly used as cheating on one's vow's.

For instance, a husband beats his wife. That is a direct violation against the vow to honor, to cherish, to...... I do not believe that the Creator of this Universe intended for a woman to lay with her husband each night all the while knowing that tomorrow might be her last breath.

With that being said, I also do not believe that it is biblical to simply walk away from a marriage because one violated their vows. I believe it is our duty to work things out with our spouses if at all possible. If the offending spouse chooses to not seek counseling, or chooses to not realign themselves with their vows, then I say divorce is not only a viable but a biblical option.
