FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - thereptileroom = cheat of the month
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Old 02-03-2006, 04:24 PM   #54
I was reading it a few days ago. Perhaps a week at most. It was not even in my own home but my nieghbor's, because he finds the banter humorous. He was pointing out some graphic porn picture, and I decided to click around. When I came to the part on one particular thread where the name calling and mindless insults began I clicked another thread and the same thing was happening there.
Yes, I myself did sign up a while ago to view the war room because things seemed funny at the time. But that gets old when you take this hobby seriously. And you never look at the people involved the same again. It seems anyone with any type of respectability either never posts there or runs as soon as they see what it's about.
I know the site is trying to get past the whole war room stigma but when staff there is using communication like obscene pictures, back stabbing, cursing, and such horrible grammar this will never happen. IThat site seems to attract and hold people that no other site wants or hears from elsewhere.