FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Status check and poll on recent crack down
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Old 02-16-2006, 09:44 AM   #16
Originally Posted by nicolai
I voted Yes but scale it back a little. I think that the enforcement has gone a little past the line of justifiable punishment. I believe ( and this is only my opinion) that people should be decent to one another but when we get to the point of awarding points and or fines there has to be a line in the sand somewhere. I saw one person get 10 points and a fine for using the word "nimrod" which isnt volgur or considered a curse word. People getting points or fines for to large a signature area. We arent living in a Puritan society where all sins should be punished to the full extent of the law. We are living in a very liberal and outspoken society where people need a little room and tolerance to say what they need said as long as it isnt done in a manner that is threatening or outrightly deplorable. Sure point or fine people for swearing or threatening or abusing others but lets not get to the point where people are afraid to say anything at all.
I will follow the rules no matter what they are as will most members on this site but that doesnt mean that i have to agree 100% of how they are enforced and or applied to the members.