FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Status check and poll on recent crack down
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Old 02-19-2006, 11:38 AM   #129
The BoidSmith

WELL SAID JIM !!!!!!!!! I for one see this as a never ending thread with no one ever having the majority.
And that’s fine; it’s comforting to verify that people can have different viewpoints and still be able to manifest them in a civil way.

All the "long timers" on this thread defending the "ruthless enforcement" thought they would have the overwhelming support of the members on this issue but as i see it the votes are pretty even if not slighlty favored to scaling it back a little.
As a “long timer” here I didn’t expect to see 100% agreement on the opinions expressed. In all honesty I would probably feel disappointed if we had.

In my opinion that right there says something up doesnt it??? You all say let the members have a say, well they are and none of you want to even hear what they are saying or want to meet them in the middle somewhere.
What does it say? That we can all get along while having differing opinions? Is that so bad? What’s been proposed by some is in reality a middle ground. Some feel that at this point in time people are not yet ready to act civilly in that middle ground. That’s maybe why some “long timers” feel that way. Maybe they have been around long enough to intuitively know what might happen in the event of a softening of the rues. Usually one of the characteristics of “long timers” and by extension “old timers” is the resilience to change. Oddly enough what we are seeing here is something completely different. There are “long timers” asking and supporting the change (stricter as opposed to the traditionally lax rules) whereas there are “newcomers” opposing that change, that’s a refreshing new attitude!

Jim, I for one am on your side in saying that things truly need to be scaled back a bit if there is a liberal or free speechside to this site at all.
Just remember that our rights end where the rights of another individual begin. One thing is to be liberal, a different one is to allow those same liberties to undermine the freedom of speech of other individuals. Some would love to be able to call people names without accepting the consequences. But that’s not the way it works in real life. In all the years I’ve been here for the first time I’ve noticed change in the way people interact with each other. And you know what maybe this new approach is helping them out with the approach they have to their life outside this site. It is quite obvious that some people behave exactly the same in here as compared to their day-to-day-life. They were asked to change, they couldn’t, and they followed the fate of the dinosaurs.

The current system is restricting that freedom of expression You dont have to persecute everyone to get your point accross.
We agree 100% on that one. You can choose to call someone a “liar” or you can tell him “that’s not how things happened”.

And yes 10.00 is a lot of money to some people, it just might be the difference of having thier next meal, you never know just how bad the next person has it.
Agreed again, make sure then that you don’t have to pay the $10. The example of the speeding ticket has been brought up repeatedly. You may get one, two, even three but as it gets steeper every time sooner or later you learn your lesson. Now in the case at hand if $10 is the difference between having your next meal or not I would suggest that individual to let go off the internet service, and spend the time typing in front of the computer searching for a job.

I dont know who mentioned it earlier in this thread about getting rid of Hell but in my opinion hell is the only place that you can actually say what you want (to a point, because it is somewhat moderated) to get your point accross and a heck of as lot of people joined hell just for that reason, I remember a lot of people saying "no one will pay to keep hell!!", well guess what......a lot of people, A LOT OF PEOPLE...have paid to join hell and more and more people keep joining, the freedom of speech, the chance at some good humor, the chance to chat openly with friend and the opportunity to settle disputes has a value to it and people realize it and are willing to pay for it. So the the "NAY SAYERS" of hell, I say, if you dont like it dont join it!!! Why complain about it if you dont even know whats going on in there???? Are people so self concious that they dont want a place like hell where someone might just be talking about them?
Initially I thought that the HELL concept was not a good idea, even when it was free. I was obviously wrong. There are people not only frequenting the forum but are even willing to pay! Hope those are not some of the ones that could use those $10 for their next meal!

Are you proposing then to turn the whole site into some kind of “purgatory” before jumping directly to Hell?
