FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Ugly guys need luvin too!
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Old 03-01-2006, 06:05 PM   #24
Ugh..I didn't realize this got bumped back up til right now. I don't really think I've been slamming myself..I'm just very honest and realistic by nature. I try to call it like I see it. I have to agree with bcfos on this one..
"They do if you have a fistful of dollar bills..

Only problem with that is quite simple. They are all nuts. No maybe or sort of about it. Pure nuts, as in stab you in an argument, slash your tires when mad at you, burn your house down nuts!!

Tip on finding sane chick. Don't look. "

ZenReptiles was right in that I'm not looking at all anymore. Other than the slim chance of running into someone interesting on here or other forums, I've already more or less conceded defeat. That being said, there's still an open invitation to anyone that wants to get to know me.
I decided to go a different direction with my "babe magnet". I figured if ANYTHING was gonna get me some attention it'd be this thing..I was wrong.