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Thread: Want advice
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Old 03-07-2006, 08:39 PM   #4
Originally Posted by jpena
Well I apologize let me be more specific I have done a lot of research I want to hear from people who have them.Are they docile are they fun snakes to own.I have done the research I know what I need as far as tank heating hides.Just want to know that it will be a snake I feel comfortable with around my 4 year old son obviously only when I'm around.He does great with the corns.
I have dealt minimally with ball pythons over many years - frankly, I just never really cared for them...too benign for my taste, I guess. lol. Right now, I have 24 of the little gals (half of which I am keeping for my own projects - who'd of thought that!!!). As a general rule (but remember, rules were made to be broken), balls are very docile. If they are weaned into it, most tolerate handling very well. I say weaned into it because they can sometimes be difficult to get feeding on a regular basis (though with a good CB or CH baby, that should not be a huge problem). If their little worlds get disrupted too much, they may get stressed and go off feed. Just leave them alone for a while, and they usually go back with no problem. If you get one that hasn't been handled alot, just leave it alone for a day or two before/after feeding & gradually increase handling time. They are generally not inclined to bite, but will, rather, ball up when threatened/approached/picked up...this will reduce as they get used to it.
I see no reason to be worried with them around your son - from either direction. They are less fragile (physically) than baby corns, and no more inclined to bite. As long as you are willing to create the environment they need, they make good pets.