FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A really good chameleon info site...
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Old 03-09-2006, 11:23 PM   #13
Chameleon Company
Fabian and others,
Maybe a simpler way to understand it. Go pick up a couple of issues of Reptiles Magazine. Look at the articles about whatever reptile topics interest you. In every case there is an author. Often a short bio at the end, and maybe a link to more information. The author also will usually include anecdotal information to which he or she has had first-hand experience to support the advice that they give. While magazines naturally select those at the higher end of the experience spectrum, one thing you will not see is "this person is the biggest, best, etc". Its not about that in any of the articles. Its about providing the reader with a reference upon which to digest the opinions and info offered. As the website recommended here currently sits, it does not have that, and even Fabian has identified the "webmaster" as "he or she". Safely put at this point. At least with Reptiles Magazine, if no author were listed, you would still make assumptions as to the credibility of the author because you'd expect that they had passed some vetting standard for the magazine. But with the internet the only vetting process is a combination of what the author identifies about themselves, and your ability to then cross-reference and check it. Whether it be forums where every one is an expert, and yet we know that some surely are not, to websites, to books, the credentials are not there to "prove" something, but rather to be evaluated in light of the opinions and conclusions provided. Even Fabian, in his post which took some disagreement with me, fully identified who he was and referred to his experience, for others to weigh. The "Webmaster" does not in his/her site, and neither in his/her post. Whover started this thread called it a "really good chameleon information site" or something to that effect. Sorry to hurt the feelings of some, which it seems that I have, but to those who recommended this website, while it has a nice look, is well formatted, and presents a lot of good info. It also has some significant mistakes. But most importantly, it is missing an essential ingredient which is vital to being taken seriously. Its at the heart of all works of non-fiction, to include chameleon websites. Who are you, and what are your qualifications in this matter? Not how extensive they may or may not be, grandiose or otherwise. Just what are they?